Sravan Kumar Pamidimalla
Chief Financial Officer & Head of Data Operations
Sravan Kumar is a qualified Accounting Professional responsible for Finance, Accounts and Compliance of FinacPlus.
His last role with S&P Global Market Intelligence as Senior Director with over 17+ years’ experience in building and managing Financial Data Operations is a big advantage for the company.
His expertise includes Process Designing, Setting up and Managing teams like Fundamental Data, Excel Modeling, Real-Time Data, Client Support Operations, Quality Control Systems, Data Feeds etc. He also has hands on experience on Corporate Finance, Accounting, Internal Audit and providing IT enabled services.
Sravan worked on developing data collection tools with excellent operational controls, high level of automation, built in quality control, best utilization of resources, error prevention, online feedback, and scalability and performance metrics tracking.
He is a Fellow Member of Chartered Accountants of India and Graduate Member of Cost Accountants of India. He completed his Bachelor of Commerce in 1994.